“Tuesday Toolkit”
Who can you call up?
When we are leading others, it is important to begin with support first. What does support look like? Well, it depends upon the person. But in order to be Liberated and experience an environment of empowerment and growth, leaders need to bring support AND challenge. One way to do that is to use the Calling Up tool. When we call someone up, we bring challenge to them, but we do it in a way that lets them know that we are “for them”. When we call someone out, they could feel like we are “for ourselves” or even “against them”. If you are leading or developing someone, what would calling up look like? Possibly, acknowledging what they have done, and encouraging them to continue that way. Calling out could look like pointing out the negatives. So instead of saying “you always show up late, and I’m tired of it” (against them) say, “I really appreciate when you are on time, it shows respect for the other team members, increases your influence with them and aligns with our values” (for them). Who can you call up this week? Kids? Employees? Colleagues? It will work in all the circles of your life. Try it!