Reflecting on our decisions
My Wednesday Wish for You
This week, I invite you to reflect on the ethical decisions you’re making. Are they self-serving, or are they driven by a desire to serve others and the greater good? It’s easy to get caught up in what feels right for us individually, guided by our personal morals. But ethics go beyond the personal; they are rooted in what’s best for society as a whole. They call us to look beyond ourselves and consider our community—not just those around us but the broader impact on the world.
When we make decisions with the “good for all” in mind, we move toward a higher purpose. This requires asking tough questions and being honest about the intent behind our actions. This week, find someone you trust to have an open conversation about the decisions you’re making. Together, explore whether your choices are serving only you or benefiting a larger community. Through this reflection, you may uncover a deeper sense of responsibility and connection to something bigger than yourself.
Ethical decision-making isn’t always easy, but when done with integrity and a focus on the collective good, it can lead to outcomes that elevate us all.