Peace through Relationships (it starts with relationship with yourself).

My Wish For You.
My wish for you is PEACE.
Peace beyond circumstance, peace beyond understanding, and peace because you love yourself. What does that look like?
One thing that impacts your peace is relationships. Your relationship with yourself and your relationship with others. Having others around you that help you feel that peace is important. I want you to be liberated. What does that mean? When I think about being liberated, or when I describe myself as liberated, I mean a free feeling, a light feeling, an exhilaration with life.
Have you really embraced who you are? Does that inner voice celebrate and encourage that essence of who you really are? Do you have conditions for that love for yourself? If you apply those conditions for yourself, you will more than likely apply them to others as well. Where can you improve on empathy for yourself? If you can’t be empathetic with yourself, it will be hard to do for others; we cannot give away what we do not possess.
I want you to surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person. That comes from being supported and nurtured and from being challenged and empowered. Who is that person for you that will push you to your limit, AND you know they have your back if you run into any problems?
Are there people around you that challenge AND support you? Are you connected? Do you need to reach out? Do the people around you energize you, or are you dragging them along? (Or are they dragging you along?)
Do you have close, healthy and diverse relationships with others? Who is that person who both supports and challenges who you are and who you can be? How do you invest in those relationships? When do you make time for fun, for life-giving experiences; for relationships?
My wish for you is peace and I know good, healthy relationships can make that peace more obtainable.