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My Wednesday Wish

My Wednesday Wish is for you to plant a garden
It’s not too soon to plant a garden for Spring.

Plant three rows of Peas.
Peace of heart
Peace of mind
Peace of soul

Plant Four rows of squash
Squash Indifference
Squash Selfishness
Squash Grumbling
Squash Gossip

Plant Four kinds of lettuce
Let us be Faithful
Let us be Kind
Let us be Patient
Let us Love one another

Plant Four rows of Thyme
Time for each other
Time for family
Time for friends
Time for things that matter

Plant two kinds of Turnips
Turn up for service
Turn up to help others

What a wonderful world we would have if we all became gardeners of these fruits!

*Thanks to Reverend Joe Whitley for sharing these ideas.

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