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“Lead with curiosity and help your people do the same”

The One Skill That Will Set You Apart In The Future

Leadership requires skills we’ve been learning since we are in school. We know in order to lead successfully we must be resilient, adaptable, have great communication skills, and be an innovator, among other common skills we’re taught growing up.

But there is one skill that was never really spoken about. A soft skill that has been overlooked and will become one of the most important skills going into the future.

That skill is Curiosity. 

I recently attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January of 2022 and at the show there stood the most advanced human-like robot ever built named Ameca. They interacted with the audience and could understand what you were saying. They were able to see you and use body language to convey a certain message.

You could have an entire conversation with Ameca just like a human.

While in awe witnessing the advancement of technology, I had the chance to conduct an interview with this humanoid.

I asked Ameca many questions such as, ‘how are you going to make the world a better place?’ ‘what’s your favorite part in adapting to this new world?’, and ‘what’s on your mind right now?’.

All the answers were incredibly on point but the one answer that stood out the most was in response to my question, ‘what advice do you have for us humans?’.

Her response was, “I think you should remain curious. I think that’s what sets you apart from the robots.”

Curiosity is the skill that will set leaders apart in the future, not just from the humanoids as they continue to develop and integrate into our lives, but in general.

When you live your life through a curious lens, you begin to see things not as they are, but rather as they can be.

The world needs leaders to be extremely curious right now, because curiosity is what will drive more people towards action, even in challenging times. When you remain curious, you no longer are defined by the failures or the rejection. Instead of allowing yourself to feel negative towards the challenges and obstacles that arise, your curiosity will lead you to feel motivated to keep going, to discover that next thing that may change everything.

Think about it, what if the next sales call you made was one that positively impacted your bottom line.

What if the next event you spoke at landed you the investment deal you’ve been searching for?

What if the next post on social media led you to a 7-figure partnership?

It only takes one thing to change everything, but it will only be the curious leaders who discover what that one thing is.

Lead through curiosity and inspire your team to do the same and watch, not only will your business grow and you’ll be building a more resilient team, but your mindset will shift towards one that is positive and optimistic, regardless of the challenges that currently surround you. 

Written by Alexa Carlin.

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