Jeff Klawsky, PhD, shares insights about powerful women leaders
Over the next six weeks, we’re embarking on an exploration of the qualities that define successful women leaders, drawing on the insights and research shared with us by Jeff Klawsky, PhD, a Business Psychologist with more than 30 years of experience. Each week, we’ll delve into a different quality that has not only defined but also propelled women leaders to high levels of success.
This week, we focus on a foundational trait observed among these leaders:
Confidence. According to Dr. Klawsky, the women leaders he has worked with exhibited a profound confidence in their leadership approach. This self-assurance stemmed from two key sources:
1. Self-awareness of innate talents: Successful women leaders are acutely aware of their unique abilities and leverage these talents to the fullest. They align their leadership style with their natural strengths, rather than attempting to fit into a mold that doesn’t suit them.
2. Authenticity in leadership style: These leaders do not try to adopt a persona that is not true to themselves. For instance, Dr. Klawsky shares the story of a leader who excelled through her genuine approach. Known for her honesty and directness, she communicated effectively, even in difficult situations, without causing upset. This was because her sincerity was palpable—she was known to be trustworthy, without hidden agendas. Her genuine leadership not only made her a respected figure but also allowed her to utilize her natural talents in varied leadership scenarios, aiding her rise from an entry-level position to a Vice President in a Fortune 500 company. She viewed the development of her talents as a lifelong journey, continuously enhancing her skills to meet diverse and challenging leadership situations.
As we reflect on this powerful example, consider these questions posed by Dr. Klawsky: What are your natural leadership talents? How can you better harness these abilities to enhance your success as a leader?
We thank Jeff Klawsky for sharing his valuable research and insights, which will surely guide our discussions and learning over the coming weeks. Stay tuned as we uncover more qualities of successful women leaders.