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How is your Character influencing your leadership?

Character as a foundation of Ethical Leadership

My Wednesday Wish for you is that you take a moment to reflect on your own character and how it shapes your leadership.

Character is often defined as “who we are when no one is watching,” but is it really that static? Or does it evolve with our experiences, choices, and the people we surround ourselves with? I believe it’s both. Our core values may remain steady, but our character grows as we navigate the complexities of life.

There’s a healthy tension between who we say we are and who the world says we are. It’s a constant balancing act. In leadership, this tension pushes us to examine our actions. Are they aligned with our values? Do they reflect the person we strive to be? This is where surrounding ourselves with the right people becomes crucial. Are your colleagues and friends reinforcing your ethical compass, or are they nudging you away from it?

And then there’s the imposter syndrome—that nagging feeling that we aren’t enough. It can shake our confidence and make us question our worth. But what if we embraced it as part of our evolving character? Rather than a weakness, it’s an opportunity to grow. By facing that doubt, we stay grounded and honest about where we need to improve, continually shaping our character into a reflection of who we truly want to be.

So, is character fixed or evolving? I think it’s a dance between the two, constantly shaped by our choices and the world around us.

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